Completion of registration does not guarantee a spot in the Canada Day Tournament.
CDLA teams: Please do not register. If your team is selected in our lottery, your club president will provide further instructions.
Please note division levels along with respective birth years in order to be eligible to play in 2023:
Boys U11 (Novice) | A & B Division | $925.00 |
Boys U13 (Peewee) | A & B & C Divisions | $925.00 |
Boys U15 (Bantam) | A & B & C Divisions | $1000.00 |
Boys U17 (Midget) | A & B Divisions | $1000.00 |
Apply online to attend the tournament Online Application and Registration for Tournament Team Account: Each team will have a “Tournament Team Account”. This account allows teams to:
Procedures: (for all Approved and New clubs)
Registration Payments:
Cheques - to be made payable to Calgary District Lacrosse Association and mailed to:
Online Credit Card Payments - must be processed through your Tournament Team Account
If you have any questions, email the Tournament Director at
Dressing room supervisors are mandatory - they have to ensure their team changes and leaves the dressing room in a reasonable time and to ensure dressing rooms are left in a clean state.
If you have reserved a spot for the tourney, hotel accommodations have been set aside for your team - please contact the Tournament Director at to confirm. Hotel sponsors will NOT take bookings until confirmed by Tournament Organizers. It is mandatory for teams to stay at our sponsor hotels - failure to do so will result in expulsion from the tournament.
Please note that we do NOT refund entry fees so please be sure that your team can attend.